Saturday, July 15, 2006

Look at me, I started a blog!

So yeah, having just returned to Minnesota from a seven year stint in Michigan, I've decided to commemorate the occasion with the foundation of this ridiculous exercise in hubris and egotism weblog. And just what will I be writing about? I'm glad you asked, non-existent reader of this entry (note: if through some mistake, perhaps due to that nifty "next blog" button, you are actually reading this, fear not: not only are you not non-existent, but you have also validated my own existence, and for that I thank you). I would imagine that most of my posting will be Minnesota-centric, with occasional forays into the national political and music scenes, some light catblogging, and perhaps a few updates on my own life (see first sentence) to appease those few among my friends and family who I tell about this little page viewable from anywhere in the world secret.


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